Definition of Ground out

1. Verb. Make an out by hitting the ball on the ground.

Category relationships: Baseball, Baseball Game
Generic synonyms: Hit

Definition of Ground out

1. Verb. (electronics) To provide proper grounding for a circuit. ¹

2. Verb. (baseball) To become out by hitting a ground ball which is fielded and leads to a force or tag of a runner. ¹

3. Noun. (baseball) An instance of grounding out. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Ground Out

ground game
ground games
ground itch
ground itch anaemia
ground ivy
ground lamella
ground laurel
ground level
ground loop
ground mobile force
ground mobile forces
ground noise
ground offensive
ground out
ground pangolin
ground pangolins
ground pine
ground pink
ground plan
ground pounder
ground proximity warning system
ground proximity warning systems
ground rattler
ground rent
ground roller
ground rose
ground rule
ground rules

Literary usage of Ground out

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Annual Report by Indiana State Board of Health (1891)
"... rooms ventilated by windows being let down ; brick house and in good repair; ground dry and well drained; good well of water on ground ; out- ..."

2. The History of the Drainage of the Great Level of the Fens, Called Bedford by Samuel Wells (1830)
"... and thirty perches at the south side of the same ground ; out of the several fen ground of John Goates, lying near the grounds of A [¡shall Farm, ..."

3. The Dawn in Britain by Charles Montagu Doughty (1906)
"Those princes leap to ground, out of their war-carts! Taking their hands, which touch his glaive, for both Those are his friends, ..."

4. Smoked Glass by Robert Henry Newell (1868)
"... ground out, TO GREAT APPLAUSE, BY " ORGANS " ALL ABOUT THE COUNTRY. WASHINGTON, D. (', April 9, 1868. THOUGH crash linked thunders on the ears of all, ..."

5. A Collection of Laws which Form the Constitution of the Bedford Level by Great Britain, Charles Nalson Cole, Bedford level corporation (1803)
"... Fen Ground called Code's Croft, five Acres two Roods and twelve Perches at the North-weft Side of the fame Ground; out of the ..."

6. Wills & Administrations from the Knaresborough Court Rolls by Knaresborough (Honor), Francis Collins (1905)
"... brought to the ground out of the same, and all other duties &c. discharged, ... ground out ..."

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